Sunday, August 19, 2012

Image Processing with FPGA

Typical solutions of image processing, which are always seen in university laboratories, are run fully with the CPU of the computers which apply them. Those solutions, usually of real-time type, require a large memory capacity of each computer’s RAM. Hence the burden on both the CPU and RAM is high, which will slow down the computer and in the worst case: it will crash or cause a hang. Therefore FPGA – field -programmable gate array, is increasingly applied as an extra hardware to the computer to assist the task of running the image processing solutions. This article discusses a recent laboratorial test for image processing with FPGA, which was conducted by Mr. J.P. Bernecker and the writer, two postgraduate students of University of Applied Sciences of Darmstadt (Hochschule / HS Darmstadt). The test result showed that a real-time solution can be easily executed on a low performance computer with the help of FPGA.

NOTE: This article is written as a translated simple excerpt from the test report which was produced by two students mentioned above and was originally written in German language. Among the sources are named in the end.

During the Summer Semester 2012 at the HS Darmstadt in Germany, the students of the postgraduate course Optical Engineering and Image Processing (Optotechnik und Bildverarbeitung) had to run different laboratorial tests for the subject Industrial/Applied Image Processing (Angewandte Bildverarbeitung). The writer was paired with his lab partner to run 2 tests for image processing which used FPGA.

The other tests available to those students were such as inspection of liquid mixture using infra red camera, observation of the Venus transit etc.

Figure 1 - Linescan camera Basler Sprint spL4096 - 70 km
The test was conducted using two main instruments – a linescan camera (Zeilenkamera) and a frame grabber card, which comes with the field-programmable gate array (FPGA). The linescan camera has only 1 row, hence 1-dimensional, of pixel, which is different than conventional cameras which use CCD or CMOS chip with 2 dimensional array of pixel. The linescan type is mainly utilized in barcode reader, fax, scanner etc. In the following Figure 1 the camera which was used for this task is depicted along with its sensor. This is a model of Basler Sprint spL4096 – 70 km, with 4096 pixel along its column.

FPGA is an integrated circuit, into which a logical circuit can be programmed. Alternatively it can be understood as a reuseable silicon chip. To program an FPGA , high languages such as VHDL (Very high speed integrated circuit Hardware Description Language) are used. The FPGA has diverse, prefabricated logic blocks, of which the purposes are to comprise the logical connection of conditions of the input signals to the output signals and to inquire as well as to set the conditions in periphery elements over specific I/O blocks.

With the logic blocks such chips can be so configured that they implement certain hardware functions. The configuration files originate from the compilation of digital algorithms that are developed into softwares.

Figure 2 - Frame grabber Spartan XC2S 600 E-FPGA
The FPGA chip which was used in this test is a type of Spartan XC2S 600 E-FPGA, a product of the firm Xilinx Inc. This chip is mounted onto a frame grabber MicroEnable III-XL (see Fig. 2), which is produced by the firm SiliconSoftware. A frame frabber is an intelligent card/electronic device for high quality image acquisition and processing. The frame grabber sets up the connection between the camera and the computer.

Why Image Processing with FPGA?
FPGAs are used to reduce the large data streams from hardware into frame grabber. In FPGA-assisted image processing, the necessary computing power for image analysis is significantly decreased. This is the result of less work processes that fall to the CPU/processor, which does not have to partake in the procedures of image analysis. Therefore the latency/time delay from the image acquisition at the input until the output after the processing is notably recduced. Examples of image pre-processing with the help of FPGA are image transformationss, corrections of shadow effects and binary morphology.

The Test: Oscillating String
Figure 3 - Setup of the test
The test which was given to this 2-man groupd consists of 2 parts: Static image of a rotating roller and the swinging string. The former’s purpose is to teach students about the parameterization of linescan camera.

However this article will only discuss more of the latter, as it is directly about the application of FPGA as image processor. The objective of this test part is to detect the oscillation of a guitar string via the linescan camera (see Fig. 3)

Figure 4 - Oscillation of the guitar string
- an inverted gray level image
In the process of detecting the oscillation, the center of gravity (COG) of every image row and the instantaneous position of the string will be determined (see Fig. 4). With those determined COGs, an audio file of WAV-format will be generated, which replicates or recreates the detected oscillation of the guitar string. This WAV-file can be easily played on conventional media players. Audacity, an open source software, was used in this test.

Figure 5 - The VisualApplet design
which was used to detect the oscillation

The following image (Fig. 5) shows a design – a program which is developed on the platform VisualApplets. This design was a work of a previous group (students Mr. U. Häberle and Mr. Klöß) and was allowed to be used in this test to ease the current group’s jobs. The programming on VisualApplets is quite complex and requires more time than the allocated for this test, especially for beginners. One can notice that the interface in VisualApplets is similar to those of MATLAB-Simulink and LabVIEW.

This design consists of the following steps – loading the images in the buffer, inverting, converting to binary images and the generation of a WAV-file.

Due to some problems, the design above has been synthesized – i.e. a C++ source code is generated from the design and the program is run from Visual Studio, instead of the proper platform microDisplay, which comes along with VisualApplets in the complete package.

The outputs of every execution of this program are always the same -  a TXT-file which lists all the calculated COGs and the expected WAV-file.

With Audacity, the oscillation or displacement of the guitar string is visualized and further deductions can be drawn (see Fig. 6).

Figure 6 - The playback of the oscillation via Audacity
From this image, one can easily notice that the guitar string was plucked five times during the period of image acquisition.

This test has served as a platform to deliver a good insight into the possibilities and problems that are associated with FPGA technology. The C++ program which was run from Visual Studio has yielded comparable and good results. Apart from that, the execution of the software caused frequent crash, hence the frequent restart of the computer. Such tests should use only prepared applets, as the developing of one’s own applet is too extensive for an experiment which must be done in only two period blocks (90 minutes each) per session/week.


  1. National Instruments Tutorium: Einführung in die FPGA-Bildverarbeitung mithilfe des NI LabVIEW FPGA Module (Jan 04, 2012)
  2. National Instrumens Tutorium: Einführung in die FPGA-Technologie: Die 5 größten Vorteile (May 20, 2012)
  3. SiliconSoftware - Official website
Nisi Dominus Frustra.