Monday, July 6, 2020

Events during my blogging hiatus: Part 1

My previous post was on August 20, 2016.
I went to a hiatus from blogging for certain reasons.

The fall of a small robotics company
In July 2015, I joined a small robotics start-up company called Bionic Robotics GmbH in Darmstadt. The company was not really that young at that time. It started as a spin-off project from the Technical University of Darmstadt. I found the job there as a software engineer satisfying, despite the under-average salary.

At the end of August 2016, the company's financial status forced it to file for a temporary insolvency. Unfortunately in October 2016, the final negotiation with the only remaining possible new investor hit the wall. Consequently the company had to be shut down.

I could have prepared myself during the temporary insolvency to look out for a new job. But I did not, because I wanted to remain loyal and I was optimistic of the company's future. After all, we did sell most of our robots.


I took pride in staying with the company till the very end. The experience from working there was absolutely educative.
I learned to use Linux, coded with Python, worked with the Robot Operating System (ROS) framework, improved my skills with the Qt framework, and most important of all: I did delve into robotics. My job there covered the software development, as well as the practical handling of the robotic arms. I can say that I did practice my profession as a mechatronics engineer.

As an employee of a small and understaffed company, I acknowledged that I was expected to do more than just software development. I was sent out for integration and reparation jobs at customers' sites and support the company's booth at certain industrial fairs.

My last outstation assignment was in Switzerland, where I spent one day to conduct an instruction course for our Swiss customers - in full German.

Next: Being jobless for two months in Germany.

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